American accent training with My Language Master is for professionals who are non-native speakers and native speakers with strong regional accents. Training is customized to meet your needs and improvement in speech is typically 50% or more.
Accent Training Classes
Training helps people speak natural English. Classes are customized to your specific speech habits and taught at your proficiency level.
At first, an extensive analysis is conducted to identify your speech habits. A list of target sounds is created based on those that occur the most often.
You will learn practical strategies to improve your speech. The learning conducted in class will have assigned homework to be completed in the Audio lab. Practice, repetition and structure will strengthen your target sound. Daily practice is essential to success.
Weekly classes introduce target sounds, review assigned homework and address any challenges you may have.
Class Materials
Training materials include
- a client manual, entitled Pronunciation of English as a Second Language, P-ESL
- a software program that consists of the following:
– an Audio lab with practice exercises and recording software for creating voice files
– an online version of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) with audio version of each phonetic symbol
– an online version of your client manual